
im evil n shit lolol

about me!!!!!!!

  • i really just post about what i like. there's no specific theme i have going on or anything. however with that being said, i crack a lot of provocative jokes; if that makes you uncomfortable, i don't know what to tell you. i do refrain from interacting with porn on my main generally.

  • i'm really eager to make friends - if you see me interacting with your posts a lot, i definitely wanna be friends with you! i'm just bad at communicating that.

  • i don't have a dni, i think the principle is stupid. if i don't like you, i block you. that's about it.

  • i like to draw but not as frequently as i would like because i have the attention span of a goldfish

my favorite things are...

  • pokemon

  • lisa (both the original trilogy and fangames)

  • arknights

  • vsynths (like vocaloid and synthv, think miku!)

  • hades

  • my cats!!!!!!! (i have four of them)

  • uhhh... a lot of other things too, but i think you'll catch on eventually.

i also like to talk about my ocs and other projects i have going on.if you're ever interested in talking to me more, feel free to message me and ask for my discord - i'm most active there.